Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fon Do Scenes: Episode 6- Anchorman

Happy Anchorman 2 Week!!!!

In honor of yesterday's release of the long-awaited Anchorman 2, the decision to post an Anchorman scene today is an easy one. The much harder choice is....which scene to post? We'll make it a short and simple one.

Yes, I will be seeing Anchorman 2 this evening. By the beard of Zeus, I will put on my Sex Panther cologne, work on my enunciating, call my friends, get a quick workout in, and get my tickets.

Consider this an announcement to keep an eye out for a review soon.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fon Don't: Move to Austin

What? Why not??

Because of traffic. What about traffic?

"The technical word we use is 'awful,' "explains this NPR description of ONE OF THE MOST HELLISH POTENTIAL COMMUTES KNOWN TO MAN!

I'll be honest, I don't care about Austin. Nope. Not really. I do care about the fact that there's a nearby town by the name of Paige. I care about Paige. A lot.

Okay, this is all just an elaborate and clever introduction to one of my favorite news voices of all time: Wade Goodwyn, NPR National Desk Correspondent from Texas, stationed in Dallas. Why Wade? Here's why:

  1. Not to be judgmental, but his accent sounds like one could find him, betwixt reports, reclining in a leather club chair, a 10-gallon hat perched at a rakish angle on his wild Texan head of hear, his cowboy boot-clad feet casually crossed at the ankles atop a massive wooden desk, smoking a cigar and brandishing a hunting rifle that he regularly unloads in the direction of an 18-point buck trophy mounted on a nearby wall.
  2. He also sounds like one of the sanest people currently living in Texas. (Oh dear. That sounds judgmental too.)
  3. Well, anyway, most importantly, he sounds like the narrator of Charlotte's Web. (Although he might gleefully put a bullet in in between Wilbur's beady little porcine eyes. Who knows.)
Despite the fact that I don't know Goodwyn's personal political leanings, I appreciate hearing him on NPR. He and Nina Totenberg reading the transcripts of Supreme Court  proceedings counteract the soul-crushing dialects of at least one other correspondent (whom I am simply too well-mannered to name here, even though I really really really want to).

In conclusion, Wade Goodwyn, please don't be a Republican.

Wade Goodwyn: Fon Do

Friday, December 13, 2013

Fon Do Scenes: Episode 5 - The Big Lebowski

This episode is brought to you by the number '5'.

A few interesting Facts about Five:
  • It's the atomic number of the least interesting element on the periodic table: Boron
  • Most starfish have 5 appendages. This is known as pentamerism.
  • Category 5 hurricanes are the most destructive
  • F-5 tornadoes are the most destructive

So...basically...just don't F with the number 5. 

...This episode is also brought to you by the letter 'F', by the way. 

Oh! Something else! The square of 5 is 25. So 25 is, like, 5 times more destructive than 5. 

Oh! I almost forgot! Christmas is coming! Oh, the joy! Let's take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of this glorious holiday.

No, it's not the presents.
No, it's not spending time with family.
No, it's not about food and candy and candy and food and candy and eggnog and candy.

No, none of that.

It's because of Jesus, whose birth we happen to celebrate on the 25th.

So...basically...don't F with Jesus. Times 5.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Black Friday Awards

I don’t know if it’s still called Black Friday, or Black Thursday Early Evening these days, but for the second time ever, I ventured out with my brother to the chaotic shopping scene on Thanksgiving night.

Here are my 2013 Black Friday awards:

Best opening scene: To the ambulance with flashing lights and sirens in the parking lot. This was the first thing I saw when we pulled in. I was hoping it was a precursor to a brawl over the last pair of $2 socks in the store. I really want to see one of these shopping fights that I’m always hearing about.

Best shirt: To the guy in Toys R’ Us wearing a T-shirt that read, “You look like you could use a high-five….in the FACE!!” I should have followed this guy around, I’ll bet there was brawl potential there. That shirt just screamed “I might be aggressive if provoked.”

Most painful moment: Having my Achilles rammed by an overenthusiastic shopper at Target. Avoiding major injury after countless hours of playing basketball, only to be put in crutches by a rabid bargain hunter would have been embarrassing to say the least. Luckily the pain was only momentary.

Best “I’m out of my league here” moment: When the Target doors opened, and everyone took off sprinting to get the item they came for, I made a beeline for the advertisement on the wall to see exactly what the great deals were.

Worst deal: There was a giant box of towels in an aisle at Target. Only $2.99 each!! I didn’t really need any towels, but how could I pass that up? Well, because in reading the fine print, they were only $4.50 each regularly. I returned home sans towels.

Best deal that wasn't a deal: An LED headlamp, for only $5! I’d been wanting one of these, and what a price! However, they were not on sale, $5 was the regular price. Not a good enough deal, I passed. Had they been regularly $10, I would have made the purchase.  

Best actress: To the woman who stepped in front of me in the checkout line. I was 20 feet from finally having an opportunity to pay and get the hell out of Target with my $30 of merchandise after waiting in line for well over an hour, and this nice woman just steps right in front of me.  She was immediately redirected by an employee. Cutting Woman may have been being truthful when she apologized by saying she didn’t notice the giant line zig-zagging through every aisle of the store, but I doubt it. I’m guessing this is where some of the best fights happen!  

Best business idea while waiting outside in the cold waiting for Target to open their doors: My idea of setting up a coffee stand outside these enormous, tedious lines. Or even just walking down the line with a thermos and some cups and charging a buck per cup. After a half hour wait in the bitter cold, I would’ve paid $10 for a Dixie cup of Folgers.

Best pretense of angst over the moral dilemma facing us liberal, socially-conscious shoppers: To the woman behind us in line, who asked a young employee if she was okay with working on Thanksgiving. The employee’s tepid-at-best response of “yes,” gave us the strength to push on.

Until next year….