When I saw the first Avengers trailer, I was sure it would be a huge hit and an awful film. It seemed forced and gluttonous. I was pleasantly surprised to see a 90% + Rotten Tomatoes rating after opening weekend and was confident it would be well worth seeing.
My pre-release worries returned soon after the opening sequence when Thor’s brother, (who looked enough like the weird little brother from Wedding Crashers that I expected him to threaten Earth with tummy sticks) came from outer space via some strange kryptonite knock-off. Apparently there was a back story here, unbeknownst to me since Iron Man was the only Marvel movie I’d seen. Luckily things only got better from here, as the Hulk beat people up, Robert Downey Jr spouted smart-ass quips, and Scarlett Johansson looked ravishing in her black suit.
There is nothing wrong with occasionally seeing a movie just because it’s fun. While some directors misconstrue fun for mindless, stale action, it wasn’t the case here. If My Dinner With Andre and Con Air had a love child, it would look something like The Avengers. Just enough good dialogue to justify simply kicking back and enjoying a good summer blockbuster.
As a footnote, I am well aware My Dinner With Andre would never sleep with Con Air unless the former was drunk as a skunk.