Monday, November 5, 2012

Fun With Words With Friends

Blatantly stealing the idea of our head writer, I present a (very) short story using every word from a partially completed Words With Friends game. An autographed head shot of me (actual value $0.72) to anyone who can correctly find the 13 words from said game.

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

From the darkness that filled the night sky, the gay jaguar could only glean that the moons that surrounded her beautiful planet had been rezoned. Knowing this would affect the qi’s of not only the gay jaguar, but the entire animal kingdom of planet Mitty, she cried a seemingly endless stream of gay jaguar tears. She could feel in her ovary that her time to reproduce was near, and with this unfortunate rezoning of the moons, there was a very real chance that time would never come.

All of Mitty was understandably concerned at the recent developments. In the distance, she heard a steady stream of coarse language unbecoming of the jaguar.  Reading through her hand-me-down zine of secret battle techniques of the gay jaguar, a particular passage caught her tear-filled eye. “Thou shalt dole out fierce and unrelenting punishment with thy sword, to any jaguar, gay or straight, who cusses.” Wiping away her tears with a gentle swipe of her paw, she drew her sword.

To be continued, natch……


  1. That's always been my motto: When life gets you down and your ovaries start acting up, don't cry, just go fight jaguars.

    Works every time.

  2. Mine is: When you don't have a good idea in your head, steal a good idea that somebody else had!

    1. ...and when that's not applicable, I go with: Never make a jaguar that has had it's moons rezoned angry. You wouldn't like her when she's angry.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. And thus began FMR's weekly column: "Mike's Rules to Live (read: Not Die) By."

    1. Did you like how I bestowed the "head writer" label upon you?

    2. I don't know... I feel a usurpation coming on...

  5. What is the rest of this story?!?!

    What happens to the cussing jaguars of Mitty? What are the secret battle techniques of gay jaguars? Most importantly, does she take Pamprin for her ovary problem?!?!

  6. You don't just rush into sequels in a story this important. It'll happen, but it has to be done right.


  7. Hmmph. It's not a sequel if it's the end of the beginning.

    You're welcome,

  8. You make an excellent point. Check the blog regularly, and you may find what you're looking for sooner than you think.

    I trust that you can handle the suspense.
