Tuesday, January 7, 2014

American Hustle: Who Cares About the Movie? We Made a Globcast!!

For the first time in history, the voices of Mike and Paige are available in a never-before heard globcast from 1983.

 Part 1 - Errata:
  • Paige mistakenly identifies "Silver Linings Playlist" as "Silver Linings Playbook," demonstrating her near-constant preoccupation with theater

 Part 2 - Errata:
  • Paige confidently states the aphorism as "Necessity breeds invention." In actuality, the phrase is "Necessity is the mother of contempt."
  • Mike's opprobrious dismissal of certain controlled substances makes him appear guiltier than a Canadian mayor. In actuality, the intensity of his discourse reflected a sincere distaste for all reality-altering substances. All of them. All. Well, he does enjoy a sprinkling of angel dust in his morning coffee, but who doesn't?
  • Paige rambles on about character-, plot-, and tone-driven films. She doesn't know what she's talking about. She failed her undergraduate Introduction to Film class, but she's still appealing the grade.


  1. Oh dear. Amy will not be happy to hear that. Or maybe she will. She's always happy.

  2. You guys are great! To do a globcast in '83 about a movie not made until 30 years later...boggles my fondue-addled brain. Wow. Maybe Paige's game picks were for the future...gotta go place my bets. Thanks, guys!
