Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Young Adult: Take That, Liver!

None of this happened, more or less.

I love Charlize Theron. She's beautiful, funny, smart, talented, political in an admirable (read: not over-bearing) way....

...wait, maybe I hate Charlize Theron.

In any case, I had high hopes for Young Adult.

Hopes that were dashed.

When I dip my strawberry into warm melted white chocolate, I'm not expecting to pull out a pickled egg that tastes as if it's been brining in lye for two years. So I took action. Charlize would take action. I know she would.

I phoned up the studio and asked to speak with the designer of the DVD jacket. The operator patched me right through (after 12 call-backs, 4 mis-transfers, and 2 hours of holding).

Ludwig: Hello.
Paige: Hi, is this Ludwig?
Ludwig: Yes, this is Herr Frostenfacen
Paige: Great! I hear you're the guy who designed the DVD cover for Young Adult. Is that right?
Ludwig: Jah. That was me.
Paige: Ok. Well, I just wanted to let you know that there's a typo. The jacket says that one reviewer called the movie, "Ferociously Refreshing." I'm pretty sure that's supposed to say, "Ferociously Depressing."

"Shut up!" Ludwig explained. And then he hung up.

I need a drink.

I ordered a comedy straight. This is on the rocks.
via Dina Goldstein.

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