Friday, June 28, 2013

Poem: I've never met a...

"I've never met a guy named Cody who wasn't wearing a rope necklace." - Julius Sharpe
I've never met a Julius I didn't want to buy at the mall and sip out of a straw.
I've never met a Lucy I didn't want to get tight with.
I've never met a John I didn't want to lock the door on.
I've never met a Tiffany I didn't want to get into a small argument with. (Actually, I've never met a Tiffany I didn't want to punch in the face.)
I've never met a Rita I didn't want to buy at a Mexican restaurant at the mall and sip out of a straw.

I've never met a Debbie that didn't look 10 years older than her age.
I've never met a Todd that didn't have a mullet in high school.
I've never met a Nancy who hasn't had a "playful" haircut at some point.

I've never met a Randy I didn't want to tell to "settle down!"
I've never met a Margaret I wanted to call Peggy.
I've never met a Peggy who didn't have a parrot on his shoulder.

It's been three weeks!

*gasp* After this long, the next post better be awesome.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Tip of the Day: Don't Live to Be 100,000

I once had a strong desire to live forever. After reading this , I would now like to pass away at 99,999.

When I read the headline to this story, I was excited to see what sort of well-thought out scientific and artistic work would be contained in the article. This must have taken extensive research, right? After looking at it, apparently all they could come up with is, in 100,000 years... GIANT EYES!! Giant, scary, cartoonish eyes. I was thinking maybe in 100,000 years, we'd be undergoing subtle but noticeable changes to facial structure, maybe we'd develop a new organ....nope, just GIANT EYES! I could have written and drawn this article myself. How would I do this you ask? Well, I would simply take a picture of a current human, and photoshop GIANT EYES onto it.