Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why I Am Looking Forward to Friday

No, I don't want the world to end, I still have Christmas shopping to do, not to mention a growing list of planned activities for 2013. However, I desperately want the end of the world jokes to end. None of them are funny at this point, and most never were to begin with. Had the Mayans and their crack team of scientists had the foresight to predict the steady stream of hackneyed jokes coming from water-cooler comedians everywhere, they might have just kept this all under wraps.

Thanks for listening to my rant. Lest you fancy me a curmudgeon, here's a loosely-related video as your reward.


  1. Nevertheless, on Friday there were reports of a loud bang in the Westwood neighborhood of Seattle.

    This was the sound of the coffin lid slamming shut on my deceased personal finances, cut short in the prime of life by a massive hemorrhage brought on by holiday-related shopping.

    Shortly thereafter, there was heard a small whimper...

    ...made by me.

    1. The memorial for my finances were held this morning. No small whimper, just uncontrollable wailing. The sound of Taps could be heard in the distance.
