Monday, March 25, 2013

Brilliant Idea #1,112: Edible Bicycles

Let's face it, riding bicycles is a pain in the ass. But storing them is a pain in the neck. That's a lot of neck-ass pain, all for the purpose of staying healthy and reducing one's carbon footprint. But sometimes you just have to ride a bike. And maybe you just don't feel like going through the trouble of having it checked in by the hotel valet.

The solution: Edible bicycles.

It works much the way it sounds: You get to where you're going and then you eat your bicycle. You'll be hungry because you just pedaled your bike to wherever it is you are from wherever it was you came from. No toting around the extra weight of a lock. No worrying about how much to tip the bike valet. No fear of having an expensive belonging stolen from you...

Next on the docket: the edible wedding ring - for when it's just not convenient to be wearing that pesky article of frippery.

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