Thursday, March 28, 2013

New Look

How do you feel about the visual changes we've made to the site?

I don't know about you, but I feel grape!

In doing research for this post, I noticed that a Google search for "grape ape" resulted in a few pictures of the cherished, wholesome childhood character that you see pictured above. Most of the pictures however, were close-up shots of Satan's herb, marijuana. Unbeknownst to me, there is a strain of marijuana called "grape ape!"

I see no reason not to name every strain after 80's cartoon characters. Huckleberry Hound, Barney Rubble, Bam-Bam, Papa Smurf, Shaggy, and Thundarr the Barbarian all sound like things one would feel comfortable inhaling should one choose to partake in such an activity.

Get thee behind me Grape Ape!


  1. Personally, I'm font of the visual changes.

  2. I'm expecting this sort of reaction from the readers:

  3. Your expectations have been met. My reaction included the classic "look ma, no hands" face plant quickly followed by an "I'm totally fine" recovery.

  4. Big news, I received another reaction from one of our readers about the changes.

  5. Can you believe it, Mike? Some people are simply not amused by the new scenery.

  6. I know! It's actually created quite a storm on the internet!

  7. I've heard reports that some people were gathering to just simply dance upon seeing the new format
