Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Brilliant Idea: #49

The next time you go on vacation, don't take anything with you. Take nothing.

If, after a few days, you need a new pair of underpants, go buy some. Need a toothbrush after a week? Go buy it. Need some prescription medication?

[...okay, just make sure that you don't need prescription medication.]

Think about it! Consider the advantages. Going through Security at the airport is practically painless. And everything you bring back will be a souvenir, so you won't have to waste money on souvenirs. You can just pull out your brand new pair of underpants and go, "Look, my friends! These are not just underpants, they are Albanian underpants." You can give the toothbrush to your niece and tell her to cherish it always because you had to elbow an old Albanian woman in the teeth to get the last one on the shelf. (See, the Albanian woman didn't need the toothbrush after that happened, did she?)

Ah. Memories...

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