Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quote of the Day: Speaking of movies and curmudgeons...

"Behind the phony tinsel of Hollywood lies the real tinsel." - Oscar Levant.

Levant may have been the curmudgeoniest curmudgeon who ever curmudgeoned, with the possible exceptions of W.C. Handy or Ambrose Bierce. Or Oscar Wilde. Or, um, Dorothy Parker...

...okay, so he was like the 11th-highest-rated curmudgeon.

More information on curmudgeons and curmudgeon-related accessories can be found in The Portable Curmudgeon by Jon Winokur, Curmudgeon #327. Mike will only enjoy half of this book or only half-heartedly enjoy it (see post from August 1, 2012).

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