Thursday, November 15, 2012

Guest Contributor: R------s

One of our many loyal fans wanted to let us know that he's having a bad day. He writes, "Just finished a 15-minute conversation about obscene photos. There are some strange folks on the interwebs. Boredom is setting in."

Sorry, R------s, I'm afraid this isn't an advice blog. But if I were going to weigh in on the matter, I would recommend watching an episode of Picture Pages with Bill Cosby and eating a large hamburger topped with peanut butter.


  1. "Picture pages, picture pages
    Time to get your picture pages
    Time to get your crayons and your pencils..."

    Bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop

    Look! I just drew an anatomical rendering of a honeybee's thorax!

    Thanks, B.C.! and thanks, Paige for the great idea. Mmmmrphphg. (Whoops! Peanut butter on roof of mouth.)


    1. Not just a great idea, but a damn great idea. I did receive more than a few odd looks at Zippy's but I'm chalking those up to my incredibly powerful laptop speakers. Admit it. You'd stop and stare too if you heard B.C. screaming "Say hello to Booker T. Bluebird."

      I was out of regular peanut butter so I had to go with almond butter. Perhaps not as good as traditional peanut but serviceable.

      My apologies to the kindly gentleman that hit up the pinball machine after me. I thought my hands were clean. That one's on me.

