Monday, January 28, 2013

Excuses, Excuses....

We are well aware that there is nothing quite like turning on your computer, and excitedly going to this blog to find a fresh new post. We also recognize the other end of the spectrum, that inevitable deep disappointment when you are not greeted with a glorious new post.

We have been slacking a little bit lately, but we want to let you know we have excuses. Here is a sampling:

I haven't seen any movies lately.

I haven't found my voice.

I demand a raise! (It's only fair, the Avon Lady made $443.80 for saying "heck")

My fingers are numb.

The sun was in my eyes.

I'm gettin' too old for this shit.

These are tough economic times we're in.

Thanks for listening. While you await our next post, enjoy this post about us not posting.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm pretty certain that is legally binding...

  2. You may inform Paige that the check is in the mail.

  3. I charge $1200 an hour. It took me 10 minutes to write this. Somebody owes me 200 bones.

    If I don't receive the check within the next 5 business days, I will delete one post for every day the payment is delayed, beginning with the beloved We Need To Talk About Kevin review.

    1. Wow, you really are due for a raise. I have a couple of posts that I've written that I humbly request go on the chopping block first.
