Thursday, January 3, 2013

Gérard Depardieu: Persecution, Flight, Vodka

What fiscal cliff? I've been spending my time following the continuing saga of Gérard Depardieu.

Here is my abridged, almost entirely ignorant, and probably unfollowable version of the events that have transpired thus far:
  • 75% income tax proposed for millionaires in La Frahnce. It's a terrible time to be wealthy.
  • Depardieu moves to Belgium. For the culture? Doubtful.
  • French Prime Minister calls D. "pathetic." Is he talking about Green Card? Non.
  • D.'s très genial answer to the allegations of his lameness includes the following:
"I have never killed anyone, I don't think I've been unworthy, I've paid €145 million ($190 million) in taxes over 45 years," the 64-year-old actor wrote. "I will neither complain nor brag, but I refuse to be called 'pathetic'."
  • [What world is this where Gérard Depardieu makes that much money?!?!]
  • Chechnya calls Depardieu to see if he would like to have a sleepover. Depardieu declines. It's Chechnya. I mean, who wouldn't?
  • Vlad Putin hears of Depardieu's travails, calls him up and is like, "Hey, man, you don't vahnt to stay there. Cahm to Russia. Be a Muscovite." (I can't do a Russian accent, sorry.)
  • Depardieu is granted Russian citizenship. He is now known as Depardieuinsky.
  • Finally, he and his serfs can settle down in peace.
Za druzhbu myezhdu narodami!

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